Winston Dunwell

Last Revised: Dec 16th, 2022
Professional Biography
Dr. Winston Dunwell is an Extension Professor for Nursery Crops. He is located at the University of Kentucky Research and Education Center in Princeton, KY. His Extension Program focuses on nursery crop production and development of ornamental plants.
Dr. Winston Dunwell was born on Long Island in Southampton, NY. He grew up in East Quogue, NY where farming consisted of horticultural crops. His neighbors grew either nursery crops or vegetables. Dr. Dunwell worked in the nursery/landscape industry throughout his teenage years and part time through his military service and college education. He attended the State University of New York at Farmingdale and received his Associates Degree in Nursery Management. Following 4 years in the US Air Force he attended the University of Wyoming and received his Bachelors of Science in Plant Science/Horticulture. He earned his Ph.D. at the University of Idaho where he worked on the effects of cold stress on Ornamental Plants.
In 1979 Dr. Dunwell accepted a position with The University of Kentucky as an Assistant Extension Professor for Nursery Crops housed at the University of Kentucky Research and Education Center at Princeton, Kentucky. His area of interest is developing educational programs related to sustainable ornamental plant introduction, propagation, production, and utilization. Dr. Dunwell established the Nursery Crops Development Center to carry out trials on cultivated and native plants with unique characteristics of special interest to the nursery/landscape industry and the gardening public.