Hymenocallis caroliniana - Carolina spiderlily
Hymenocallis caroliniana [formerly H. occidentalis] (L.) Herbert - Carolina spider-lily is the only Kentucky native of the Amaryllidaceae family. Most people know Amaryllis as the beautiful large flowering bulbs frequently available as holiday/Valentine's Day live flowers. Allan Armitage in Armitage's Native Plants for North American Gardens says "this has to be one of the most eye-catching of all bulbs when the flowers open". Each year in late July through August the Extension service gets numerous pictures and plants brought in to inquire as the identity of spider-lily. It is found frequently in naturally moist areas and can be a weed in bottom land fields due to plows and discs breaking up the bulbs and spreading them across the field. They are propagated by bulb offsets and the egg-shaped 1/2 inch round green seed. Seed propagated plants will bloom in about 3 years. At the UKREC Botanical Garden we have grown the plants for many years and make a special effort to pick up the seed that fall to the ground and plant them in the landscape. Each year the planting is more spectacular. Dr. Armitage mentions about it's lack of hardiness limiting it's use in northern states as a landscape plant but in west Kentucky and states south to Florida and west to Louisiana back north to Missouri Carolina Spider-lily is a nice late season flowering addition to any garden. If it proves to not survive in your area you can dig it in the fall and refrigerate the bulbs or bring the container grown plants into a frost-free location for winter.