2016 HortMemo Meetings
Kentucky Fruit and Vegetable Conference and Trade Show. January 4-5, 2016. Embassy Suites Hotel, 1801 Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY.Contact: John Strang, 859.257.5685; mobile, 859.396.9311; e-mail, jstrang@uky.edu
MANTS 2016 (Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show). January 6-8, 2016. Baltimore Convention Center, One West Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD. Contact: Contact: MANTS®, P.O. Box 818, Brooklandville, MD 21022; 800.431.0066; Fax, 410.296.8288; e-mail, info@mants.com; url, http://www.mants.com
"CENTS"- Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show. January 11-13, 2016. Venue TBA, Columbus, OH. Contact: ONLA, 800.825.5062, Fax 800.860.1713; e-mail, onlagreen@aol.com ; url, http://www.onla.org
The Gulf States Horticultural Expo.January 20-22, 2016. Arthur R. Outlaw Convention Center, 1 South Water Street, Mobile, Alabama. Contact: Gulf States Horticultural Expo, Inc.; 334.502.7777; P.O. Box 47, Auburn, Alabama 36831-0047; e-mail, info@gshe.org; url, http://gshe.org/
South Carolina Horticulture Industry Trade Show & Seminars. January 21-23, 2016. Sheraton Myrtle Beach Convention Center Hotel, 2101 N. Oak Street, Myrtle Beach, SC 29577. Contact: Executive Director, Donna Shealy Foster, 4661 Crystal Drive, Columbia, SC 29206; 803.743.4284; e-mail, scplant@bellsouth.net; url, http://www.scnla.com/PDFs/2016_SCHI_Brochure.pdf
The Western Trade Show and Education. January 21-22, 2016. Crown Center Exhibit Hall - Sheraton Kansas City Hotel at Crown Center, 2345 McGee Street, Kansas City, MO. Contact: Western Nursery and Landscape Association, P.O. Box 8860, St. Joseph, MO 64508; 888.233.1876; e-mail, sarah@wnla.org
KNLA’s Spring Training & Showplace - Nurture Your Team and Bloom Your Business! January 27-28, 2016. Ramada Plaza Louisville Hotel and Conference Center, 9700 Bluegrass Parkway Louisville KY 40299. Contact: Betsie A. Taylor, KNLA Exec. Dir., P.O. Box 6827, Frankfort, KY 40602-6827; 502.320.3733; e-mail, mail.knla@gmail.com; url, http://www.knla.org
Tri-State Green Industry Conference. February 4, 2016. Sharonville Convention Center, 11355 Chester Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45246. Contact: http://go.osu.edu/BHDz
Southern Region ASHS/Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists (SAAS). February 5-7, 2016. Hyatt Regency San Antonio Riverwalk, 123 Losoya Street, San Antonio, TX 78205. Contact: David W. Reed, Secr/Treas 979.458.0710; e-mail, dwreed@tamu.edu ; registration url, http://www.srashs.org/MeetingDateLocation/MeetingDateLocation.html
National Farm Machinery Show. February 10-13, 2016. Kentucky Exposition Center, 937 Phillips Lane, Louisville, Kentucky 40209. Contact: NFMS, P.O. Box 37130 Louisville, KY 40233-7130; 502.367.5004; url, http://www.farmmachineryshow.org
CKOTA 35 Annual Conference. February 11, 2016. Fayette County Cooperative Extension Office, 1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY 40504-1172. Contact: CKOTA President Beatte Popkin, PO Box 25148, Lexington, KY 40524; url, http://www.ckota.org/
Commercial Arborist, Landscaper & Nursery Worker Seminar. February 16, 2016. Boone County Cooperative Extension Enrichment Center, 1955 Burlington Pike, Burlington, KY 41005. Contact: Mike Klahr, Boone County Extension, 859-586-6101, or enroll online https://www.boone.ca.uky.edu
39th Annual Turf and Landscape Management Short Course. February 23-25, 2016. Paroquet Springs Convention Center, Shepherdsville, KY. Contact: 859.231.0662; e-mail, ukturfscience@gmail.com; url,http://www.uky.edu/Ag/ukturf/shortcourse.html
Tree Workshop (CEUs Available) April 6, 2016: 0930 – 1600 ET. Yew Dell Gardens, 6220 Old LaGrange Road, Crestwood, KY. Contact: Yew Dell Gardens, 502-241-4788 or http://www.yewdellgardens.org
The California Spring Trials. April 9-14, 2016. Many sites and plant companies see: http://www.americanhort.org/springtrials
Mid-South Prairie Symposium. May 25-27, 2016. Sundquist Science Complex, Austin Peay State University, 8th St, Clarksville, Tennessee 37040. Contact: Dwayne Estes; e-mail, destes@brit.org; url, http://www.apsu.edu/herbarium/purpose-symposium
The Academy of Crop Production: The Place You Go…. to Learn To Grow! (Pest and ISA CEUS) June 12 – 15, 2016. The Indigo Hotel, Downtown Athens, Georgia. Contact: Matthew Chappell at Hortprod@uga.edu or call 770-580-9715 url, https://estore.uga.edu/C27063_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=4788
UKREC Horticulture Open House, Thursday, June 23, 2016, 9:00 am to 12:00 noon, 1205 Hopkinsville St, Princeton, KY 42445. Contact: Win Dunwell, 270.261.9467, wdunwell@uky.edu; url https://nursery-crop-extension.ca.uky.edu/UKRECHortToursEducation
Southern Garden All-Stars: Developing and testing the best new plants for southern gardens (Win's colleagues).June 29, 2016. Yew Dell Gardens, 6220 Old LaGrange Road, Crestwood, KY 40014. There is a registration fee. Contact information: 502.241.4788 or www.yewdellgardens.org/classes-and-events.html
Cultivate’16—An AmericanHort Experience. July 9-12, 2016. Columbus, Ohio. Contact: 614.487.1117; e-mail, hello@americanhort.org; url, http://americanhort.org
The Cullowhee Native Plant Conference: 33rd Annual Conference. July 20-23, 2016. Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC. Registration will open around April 1, 2016. Contact: 828.227.7397; e-mail, Hensley@wcu.edu; url, http://www.wcu.edu/engage/community-resources/conferences-and-community-classes/the-cullowhee-native-plant-conference/
Hydrangeas A to Z workshops: July 21, 2016 in McMinnville, Tenn., August 2, 2016, Virginia Beach, Va., and August 4, 2016, Smithfield, N.C. Contact: https://secure.touchnet.com/C21610_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=791
American Phytopathology Society (APS). July 30-Sugust 3, 2016. Tampa Convention Center 333 S Franklin St, Tampa, FL 33602. Contact: http://www.apsnet.org/meetings/annual/Pages/default.aspx
Third International Symposium on Woody Ornamentals of the Temperate Zone. August 2-5, 2016. Courtyard Mariott Hotel, 1500 Washington Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55454. Contact: Stan Hokanson: e-mail, hokan017@umn.edu; url, http://www.woodyornamentals2016.org/ to submit a paper see; http://www.woodyornamentals2016.org/abstract
ASHS 2016 Annual Conference. August 8–11, 2016. Sheraton Atlanta Hotel, 165 Courtland Street, NE, Atlanta, Georgia. Contact: ASHS, 113 South West Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314-2851; 703.836.4606; fax, 703.836.2024; url, http://www.ashs.org/conferences.html
Farwest Show 2016. August 25-27, 2016. Oregon Convention Center, 777 NE MLK, Jr. Blvd., Portland, OR 97232. Contact: Allan Niemi, Director of Events & Education, 503.582.2005, aniemi@oan.org, or Crystal Cady, Booth Sales & Seminar Coordinator; 503.582.2006; e-mail, ccady@oan.org
SEGREEN (SNA) 2016: August 30 - September 1, 2016. The Classic Center, 300 N Thomas Street, Athens, Ga. . Contact: Karen Summers, SNA Executive Vice-President, PO Box 801454, Acworth, GA 30101; 678.809.9992; Fax, 678.809.9993; e-mail, ksummers@sna.org; url, http://www.sna.org
KNLA’s Summer Retreat - Leadership Forum and Marketplace. September 8, 2016. Buffalo Trace, 113 Great Buffalo Trace, Frankfort, Kentucky 40601. Contact:http://www.knla.org; for Attendees: http://www.2016knlasummerretreat.eventbrite.com; Exhibitors:http://www.2016summerretreatexhibitor.eventbrite.com
IPPS Eastern Region Annual Conference. September 21-24, 2016. Hartford, Connecticut. Contact: Contact: Margot Bridgen, IPPS Executive Secretary/Treasurer, 1700 North Parish Dr., Southold, NY 11971; 631.765.9638; Fax, 631.765.9648; e-mail, ippser@gmail.com ; url, http://ena.ipps.org
2016 XXV International Congress of Entomology. September 25-30, 2016. Orlando Convention Center, Orlando, FL. Contact: http://ice2016orlando.org
KNLA Green Industry Tour (Louisville Area: Floyds Fork, Wallitsch, Whitehall, River Farm Nursery). October 6, 2016. Contact: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2016-knla-bus-tour-registration-27057735415 or http://www.knla.org
Tennessee Green Industry Expo (TNGIE). October 6-7, 2016. The Civic Center, McMinnville, TN. Contact: Louree, TNLA, 931.473.3951; or Ann, MTNA 931.507.7322; url, http://www.tngie.com/
GIE+EXPO and Hardscape North America. October 20-21, 2016. Kentucky Expo Center, Louisville, KY. Contact: url, http://www.gie-expo.com/
IPPS Southern Region Annual Conference. October 23-26, 2016. The Westin Hotel, 4535 Commerce Street, Virginia Beach, VA; Contact: Contact: Donna Shealy Foster, Secretary-Treasurer, 4661 Crystal Dr. Columbia, SC 29206, 803.743.4284; e-mail, scplant@bellsouth.net ; url, http://sna.ipps.org
Magnolia Society International Third International Symposium.. November 29 to December 2, 2016. Varadero, Cuba, from; however, early registration ends April 30, and regular registration ends June 1. http://magnolia.planta.ngo/registration & Please note that US-based symposium registrants must use the accommodations link found at http://www.magnoliasociety.org/Cuba-Symposium ; registrants from other countries can use the accommodation link on http://magnolia.planta.ngo/accommodation .Symposium registrants are eligible to attend a separately priced, 8-day 7-night post symposium tour visiting botanical gardens, natural areas and historic sites in central and eastern Cuba; for more information please see http://www.magnoliasociety.org/Cuba-Post-Symposium http://magnolia.planta.ngo