2013 HortMemo Meetings
Tennessee Nursery and Landscape Association (TNLA) Trade Show. January 3-4, 2013. Nashville, TN Contact: LoureeWalker, TNLA Exec. Dir., P.O. Box 57, McMinnville, TN 37111; 931.473.3951; Fax, 931.473.5883; e-mail, louree@tnla.com; url, http://www.tnla.comCANCELEDMid-States Horticultural Expo. Click on association links in this announcement for individual state association trade shows and contact info: January 4-5, 2013. Kentucky International Convention Center, Louisville, KY.Sponsored and managed by Kentucky Nursery and Landscape Association and Tennessee Nursery and Landscape Association;Contact: For Booth Information – LoureeWalker, TNLA Exec. Dir., P.O. Box 57, McMinnville, TN 37111; 931.473.3951; Fax, 931.473.5883; e-mail, louree@tnla.com; For Advertising - Betsie A. Taylor, KNLA Exec. Dir., 216 Pendleton Lane, Frankfort, Ky. 40601, 502.695.0106; Fax, 502.695.8455; e-mail,mail.knla@gmail.com; url, http://www.mshe.orgNational Green Centre: Integrating the Green Industry. January 6-7, 2013. St. Louis, MO. Contact: Western Nursery and Landscape Association, P.O. Box 8860, St. Joseph, MO 64508; 888.233.1876; Fax, 888.233.1876; e-mail, info@nationalgreencentre.orgKentucky Fruit and Vegetable Conference and Trade Show. January 7-8, 2013. Embassy Suites Hotel, 1801 Newtown Pike, Lexington, KY. Contact John Strang, 859.257.5685; mobile, 859.396.9311; e-mail, jstrang@uky.edu or Tim Coolong 859.257.3374 or mobile, 859.421.5973; e-mail, timcoolong@uky.edu; url, http://kyhort.org/fruitvegconference2013.pdfMANTS 2013. January 9 - 11, 2013. Baltimore Convention Center, One West Pratt Street, Baltimore, MD. Contact: Contact: MANTS®, P.O. Box 818, Brooklandville, MD 21022; 800.431.0066; Fax, 410.296.8288; e-mail, info@mants.com; url, http://www.mants.com"CENTS"- Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show. January 14-16, 2013. Venue TBA, Columbus, OH. Contact: ONLA, 800.825.5062, Fax 800.860.1713; e-mail, onlagreen@aol.com ; url, http://www.onla.orgThe Gulf States Horticultural Expo. Education - January 16, 2013: Trade Show - January 17-18, 2013. Arthur R. Outlaw Convention Center, 1 South Water Street, Mobile, Alabama.Contact: Gulf States Horticultural Expo, Inc.; 334.502.7777; P.O. Box 47, Auburn, Alabama 36831-0047. Kentucky Landscape Industries (KLI) Winter Conference.January 23-25, 2013. Louisville, KY. Sponsored by Kentucky Nursery and Landscape Association, Kentucky Arborists' Association, Kentuckiana Greenhouse Association, and the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.Contact: Betsie A. Taylor, KNLA Exec. Dir., 216 Pendleton Lane, Frankfort, Ky. 40601, Frankfort, KY 40601; 502.695.0106; Fax, 502.695.8455; e-mail, mail.knla@gmail.com; url, http://www.knla.org/Kentucky Nursery and Landscape Association (KNLA) Trade Show. January 24-25, 2013. Contact: Betsie A. Taylor, KNLA Exec. Dir., 216 Pendleton Lane, Frankfort, Ky. 40601, 502.695.0106; Fax, 502.695.8455; e-mail,mail.knla@gmail.com; url, http://www.knla.orgJanuary 29, 2013 - Northern Kentucky Arborist, Landscaper & Nursery Worker Seminar. Contact: Mike Klahr, 859.586.6101
Professional Landscape Management School. January 30-31, 2013. University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, IN. Contact: Larry Caplan; e-mail, lcaplan@purdue.edu ; url, http://www.ag.purdue.edu/counties/vanderburgh/Pages/CommercialHorticulture.aspxOFA - ANLA "Next Level," Conference. January 31 - February 2, 2013. Gaylord Opryland Hotel, Nashville, TN. Information athttp://www.onevoiceoneindustry.com/index.cfm?view=NextLevelSRASHS (Southern Regiona American Society for Horticultural Science) Annual Meeting. February 2-5, 2013. Wyndham Orlando Resort, Orlando, FL. Contact: Dr. David Wm. Reed, SR ASHS Secr-Treas, Texas A&M University, Department of Horticultural Sciences, College Station, TX 77843-2133; 979.845.0139; Fax, 979,845,0627; e-mail, dwreed@tamu.edu ; url, http://www.srashs.org53rd Weed Science Society of America Annual Meeting (WSSA) and 67th Annual Meeting of the Northeastern Weed Science Society. Hilton Baltimore, Baltimore, MD. February 4-7, 2013. Contact: 1-800-627-0326; e-mail WSSAmeeting@allenpress.com; url, http://www.wssa.net/Meetings/WSSAAnnual/Info.htmTri-State Green Industry Conference (Tri-State GIC). February 6, 2014. Sharonville Convention Center, 11355 Chester Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45246. Contact: Julie Crook (513) 946-8998; url,http://hamilton.osu.edu/topics/horticulture/2014-Tri-State-Green-Industry-Conference
CKOTA 32nd Horticulture Conference. February 14, 2013. Fayette County Cooperative Extension Office, 1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY 40504-1172. Contact:: John Sanders, 859.983.2041; url, http://www.ckota.org/Turf and Landscape Management Short Course, February 27-28, 2013. Crowne Plaza Hotel, Phillips Lane, Louisville, KY.Contact: Linda Williams, UK Turf, 303 Plant Science Building, Lexington, KY 40546; ltapp@uky.edu; url, http://www.uky.edu/Ag/ukturfLouisville Nursery Association (LNA) Meeting: Presentation by Blair Leano-Helvey, Entomology Solutions. March 20, 2013. Wallitsch Nursery & Garden Center, 2608 Hikes Lane Louisville, KY 40218. Contact: Norma Redmon May, LNA Executive Secretary; 502.593.4747; e-mail, norma56@bellsouth.net; url, http://www.louisvillenursery.orgLouisville Nursery Association Meeting (LNA). May 15, 2013. Ridge Wholesale Nursery, 16200 Fralich Lane, Louisville, KY 40299; 502.267.4717. Contact: Norma Redmon May, LNA Executive Secretary; 502.593.4747; e-mail, norma56@bellsouth.net; url, http://www.louisvillenursery.orgSustainable Beauty: Landscape Plants That Thrive in the Southeast symposium. June 6, 2013, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Mountain Horticultural Crops Research and Extension Center, 455 Research Drive, Mills River, NC 28759 Contact: Anthony Lebude, 828-684-3562 (ext. 135); Anthony_LeBude@ncsu.edu, register online http://go.ncsu.edu/sustainablebeauty
Lean Makes Green: A Workshop for nursery and related professionals. June 14, 2013. Valley Hill Nurseries, 237 Jones Lane, Springfield, KY. Contact: Sarah Vanek, 859.257.1273; e-mail, sarah.vanek@uky.edu UKREC Horticulture Field Day: Ornamentals and Fruit Program. UKREC, 1205 Hopkinsville Street, Princeton, KY 42445. June 27, 2013, 9:00 start. Contact Winston Dunwell, 270.365.7541 x 209, wdunwell@uky.edu.
American Society of Horticultural Science (ASHS) Annual Conference; 2013. July 22-25, 2013. Desert Springs JW Marriott Resort & Spa, Palm Desert, California. Contact: Contact: ASHS, 113 South West Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314-2851; 703.836.4606; fax, 703.836.2024; url, http://www.ashs.org/conferences.htmlSNA Research Conference, the Southern Plant Conference, the SNA State Officer's Conference, and the Annual SNA Business Meeting. August 5-7, 2013. Atlanta's Georgia International Convention Center (GICC). Contact: Karen Summers, SNA Executive Vice-President, PO Box 801454, Acworth, GA 30101; 678.809.9992; Fax, 678.809.9993; e-mail, ksummers@sna.org; url, http://www.sna.orgMiddle Tennessee Nursery Association (MTNA) Trade Show. August 21-22, 2013. Contact: Ann Halcomb, MTNA Executive Secretary, 201 Locust St., Ste 14, McMinnville, TN 37110, 931.507.7322; Fax, 931.507.9601; e-mail, mtna@blomand.net ; url, http://www.mtna.comLouisville Nursery Association (LNA) Meeting. August 21, 2013. Ashley Nursery. Contact: Norma Redmon May, LNA Executive Secretary; 502.593.4747; e-mail, norma56@bellsouth.net; url, http://www.louisvillenursery.orgUK Field Day and MSU Arboretum Tour. August 29, 2013. MSU Arboretum, Hickory Avenue, Murray. Contact: Carey Grable, 270.365.7541, carey.gable@uky.edu, Murray State Arboretum, http://www.murraystate.edu/Academics/CollegesDepartments/HutsonSchoolOfAgriculture/TheArboretumatMurrayState.aspxKentucky Nursery and Landscape Association 14th AnnnualSummer Outing. September 5, 2013. Yew Dell Botanical Gardens, 6220 Old LaGrange Road, Crestwood, KY 40014.Contact: Betsie A. Taylor, KNLA Exec. Dir., P.O. Box 6827, Frankfort, KY 40602-6827; 502.320.3733; e-mail, mail.knla@gmail.com; url, http://www.knla.org/International Plant Propagator's Society (IPPS) 2013 International Tour hosted by the IPPS Western Region. September 21-26, 2013. Contact: Patricia E. Heuser, International Secr-Treas, International Office, 4 Hawthorn Court, Carlisle, PA 17015-7930; Fax: +1 717-243-7691; e-mail: Secretary@ipps.org ; url, http://www.ipps.org/events/13/2013_Tour.pdfMasters of Modern Landscape Design. September 28-29, 2013. Indianapolis Museum of Art, Indianapolis, IN. Contact: http://www.imamuseum.org/special-event/masters-modern-landscape-design for program http://www.imamuseum.org/sites/default/files/lalh-schedule.pdfEastern Region International Plant Propagator’s Society. Chicago, Illinois. October 8-11, 2013. Contact: Margot Bridgen, IPPS Executive Secretary/Treasurer, 1700 North Parish Dr., Southold, NY 11971; 631.765.9638; Fax, 631.765.9648; e-mail, ippser@gmail.com ; url, http://ippseastern.org/; meeting url, http://ippseastern.org/meetings/annual-conference-2013Planet’s Green Industry Conference (GIC), The Green Industry & Equipment Expo (GIE+EXPO) and Hardscape North America Trade Shows: October 23-25, 2013. Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville, KY. https://www.landcarenetwork.org/events/GreenIndustryConf/index.cfmNative Plant Symposium. October 26, 2013. Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, Cincinnati, Ohio. http://cincinnatizoo.org/events/native-plants-symposiumIPPS, Southern Region: 38th Annual Meeting. November 2-6, 2013. Athens, Georgia. Contact: Donna Foster, Secr/Treas, SRIPPS, 4661 Crystal Drive, Columbia, SC 29206; 803.743.4284; Fax, 803-787-2919; e-mail: scplant@bellsouth.net; url, http://ipps-srna.orgIncreasing Efficiency in Pest Management a workshop for nursery and landscape professionals. December 4, 2013. Hardin County Extension Office, Elizabethtown, KY. Contact: Contact: Sarah Vanek, 859.257.1273; e-mail, sarah.vanek@uky.edu.