2011 HortMemo Meetings
2011 Kentucky Fruit and Vegetable Conference and Trade Show: Kentucky State Horticulture Society, Kentucky Vegetable Growers Association, Kentucky Farmers’ Market Association, Organic Association of Kentucky, Kentucky Winery and Vineyard Association, The Kentucky Grape and Wine Short Course. January 3-4, 2011. Embassy Suites Hotel, 1801 Newtown Pike, Lexington, Kentucky. Contact: John Strang, 859.257.5685; mobile, 859.396.9311; e-mail, jstrang@uky.edu or Tim Coolong 859-257-3374 office or 859-421-5973 mobile; email: tcool2@uky.edu; url, http://kyhort.org/fruitvegconference2011.pdfMANTS® 2011 or The Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show. January 5-7, 2011 . Baltimore Convention Center, One West Pratt Street, Baltimore, Maryland. Contact: MANTS®, P.O. Box 818, Brooklandville, MD 21022; 800.431.0066; Fax, 410.296.8288; e-mail, info@mants.com ; url, http://www.mants.comNational Green Centre (previously the Western). January 8-9, 2011. The America’s Center, Washington Avenue at Eighth Street, St Louis, MO. Contact: Western Nursery and Landscape Association, P.O. Box 8860, St. Joseph, MO 64508;888.233.1876; Fax, 888.233.1876; e-mail, info@nationalgreencentre.org2011 Southern Nursery Association Research Conference (at Gulf States Horticultural Expo). January 19-20, 2011. Arthur R. Outlaw Convention Center, 1 South Water Street, Mobile, Alabama. Contact: Dr. Nick Gawel, Superintendent, Otis L. Floyd Nursery Research Center, 931.668.3233; fax, 931.668.3134; Tennessee State University, 472 Cadillac Lane, McMinnville, TN 37110; e-mail, gaweln@blomand.net2011 Gulf States Horticultural Expo: January 19, 2011, Educational Program & Welcome Reception; January 20-21, 2011 Trade Show. Arthur R. Outlaw Convention Center, 1 South Water Street, Mobile, Alabama. Contact: James Harwell, Gulf States Horticultural Expo, Inc.; 334.502.7777; Fax, 334.502.7711, P.O. Box 47, Auburn, Alabama 36831-0047; e-mail, info@gshe.org“CENTSâ€- Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show. January 24-26, 2011. Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH. Contact: ONLA, 800.825.5062, Fax 800.860.1713; e-mail, onlagreen@aol.com ; url, http://www.onla.org/cents/cents_home.asp2011 ANLA Management Clinic. January 26-29, 2011. Galt House Hotel & Suites, Louisville, KY. Contact: ANLA 202.789.2900, e-mail, meetings@anla.org; url, http://www.managementclinic.org/Water Management and Quality for Ornamental Crop Production and Health – NC-1186 – Nursery Production Industry Sharing. January 26, 2011, 1:00 - 5:00 pm. Galt House Hotel & Suites, Louisville, KY. Contact: Win Dunwell, (cell) 270.261.9467; e-mail, wdunwell@uky.edu, Tom Fernandez, Michigan State University; (517) 355-5191; e-mail, fernan15@msu.edu or John Lea-Cox, University of Maryland, 301.405.4323; e-mail, jlc@umd.eduKentucky Landscape Industries Winter Conference / Kentucky Certified Nurseryman Exam. January 27-28, 2011. Kentucky International Convention Center, Louisville, KY. Host Hotel; Galt House. Sponsored by Kentucky Nursery and Landscape Association, Kentucky Arborists' Association, Kentuckiana Greenhouse Association, and the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. Contact: Betsie A. Taylor, KNLA Exec. Dir., 216 Pendleton Lane, Frankfort, Ky. 40601, Frankfort, KY 40601; 502.695.0106; Fax, 502.695.8455; e-mail, mail.knla@gmail.com; url, http://www.knla.org/ Mid-States Horticultural Expo. January 28-29, 2011. Kentucky International Convention Center, Louisville, KY. Sponsored and managed by Kentucky Nursery and Landscape Association and The Tennessee Nursery and Landscape Association. Contact: For Booth Information – Louree Walker, TNLA Exec. Dir., P.O. Box 57, McMinnville, TN 37111; 931.473.3951; Fax, 931.473.5883; e-mail, louree@tnla.com; For Advertising – Betsie A. Taylor, KNLA Exec. Dir., 216 Pendleton Lane, Frankfort, Ky. 40601, 502.695.0106; Fax, 502.695.8455; e-mail,mail.knla@gmail.com; url, http://www.mshe.org Land Grant and Sea Grant: National Water Conference. January 31 - February 1, 2011. J. W. Marriott Hotel, Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington, DC. Contact: Arthur J. Gold, Univ. of Rhode Island, 401.874.2903; Fax, 401.874.4561; e-mail, agold@uri.edu or Greg Jennings, PhD, PE; 919.600.4790; e-mail, jennings@ncsu.edu; url, http://www.usawaterquality.org/conferences/2011Commercial Arborist, Landscaper & Nursery Worker Seminar. February 1, 2011. Boone County Cooperative Extension Service Office, 6028 Camp Erst Rd., Burlington, KY 41005. Register by call 859.586.6101 or online at http://www.ca.uky.edu/booneSouthern Region American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Meeting. February 5-8, 2011. Corpus Christi, Texas. Contact: Dr. David Wm. Reed, SR ASHS Secr-Treas, Texas A&M University, Department of Horticultural Sciences, College Station, TX 77843-2133; 979.845.0139; Fax, 979,845,0627; e-mail, dwreed@tamu.edu; url, http://www.srashs.org/ Municipal Arborist Training Program March 10 & 11, 2011. Boone County Cooperative Extension Office, 6028 Camp Ernst Road, Burlington Kentucky 41005-0876. contact: Boone County Extension Office, 859.586.6101 LNA - Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. March, 16, 2011. Louisville Tractor, 1675 Watterson Trail, Louisville, KY 40299. Contact: Caroline Westfall, 502.895.9168; e-mail, lounurseryassoc@bellsouth.netThe 2nd Kentucky Invasive Species Conference and and the 13th Annual Southeast EPPC Conference. May 3-5, 2011. Lexington, KY. Contacts: Conference Co-chairs, Songlin Fei, University of Kentucky, 859.257.9760; e-mail,ukinvasive@gmail.com and Joyce Bender, Kentucky State Nature Preserves Commission, 502.573.2886; e-mail,Joyce.Bender@ky.gov; url, http://invasives2011.orgAirblast Sprayer Workshop: Optimizing Your Sprayer for Better Coverage, Better Pest Control, and Greater Savings. May 4, 2011, 7:30 am CDT registration, 8:00 am program. Pro-Gro Nursery, 562 Fuston Cemetery Rd., McMinnville, TN. Contact: Mark Halcomb, Warren County Extension, TN, 931.473.8484; e-mail, mhalcomb@utk.edu;LNA - Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. May 18, 2011. Ridge Wholesale Nursery, 16200 Fralich Lane, Louisville, KY 40299; 502.267.4717. Contact: Caroline Westfall, 502.895.9168; e-mail, lounurseryassoc@bellsouth.netMillersville Native Plants in the Landscape Conference. June 1-4, 2011. Millersville University, PA. Contact: 717.871.2189; e-mail, nativeplants@millersville.eduNurseryWorks – Kansas State university nursery production Conference. June 15-16, 2011. Manhattan, KS. Contact: Dr. Cheryl R. Boyer, 785.532.3504; e-mail, crboyer@k-state.eduor Dr. Jason J. Griffin, 316.788.0492; e-mail: jgriffin@ksu.edu; url, http://www.dce.k-state.edu/conf/nursery-worksLNA - Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. June 15, 2011. Hidden Hill Nursery, 1011 Utica-Charlestown Road, Jeffersonville, IN 47130-8367; 812.280.0347. Contact: Caroline Westfall, 502.895.9168; e-mail, lounurseryassoc@bellsouth.netAPGA Conference. June 21- 25, 2011. Loews Hotel, Philadelphia, PA. Contact: http://www.publicgardens.org/content/2011-conferenceOFA Short Course. July 9-12, 2011. Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio USA. Contact: OFA, 2130 Stella Court, Columbus, Ohio 43215; 614.487.1117; Fax, 614.487.1216; e-mail, ofa@ofa.org; url, http://www.ofa.org/shortcourseinfo.aspx Woody Plant Conference. July 15, 2011. Swarthmore College: Co-sponsored by Chanticleer, Longwood Gardens, The Morris Arboretum of the University of Pennsylvania, The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society, The Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College, and Tyler Arboretum. Contact: Julie Jenney, Scott Arboretum of Swarthmore College, 610.328.8025; url, http://www.woodyplantconference.org/contact.html29th Perennial Plant Symposium. July 17-22, 2011. Atlanta, Georgia. Contact: Contact: Dr. Steven Still, Perennial Plant Association: 3383 Schirtzinger Road, Hilliard, Ohio, 43026; 614.771.8431; e-mail, ppa@perennialplant.org; url, http://www.perennialplant.org/ or on Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn : Preview, http://il.youtube.com/watch?v=3WT5rdj8aq0LNA - Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. July 20, 2011. Waterfront Park, 231 Witherspoon (and Brook St; parking on River Road), Louisville, KY. Contact: Caroline Westfall, 502.895.9168; e-mail, lounurseryassoc@bellsouth.netUKREC Field Day. July 21, 2011. UKREC ( Map) Princeton, KY. Contact: Chairman, Andy Bailey, abailey@uky.edu or Secretary Christi Forsythe, 270.364.7541 x 221, cforsyth@uky.edu28th Cullowhee Native Plant Conference. July 26-30, 2011. Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC. Contact: http://www.wcu.edu/5044.aspPANTS (Penn Atlantic Nursery Trade Show. August 2-4, 2011. Greater Philadelphia Expo Center. Contact: Sally O'Shea, 800.8983411 x 106; e-mail, soshea@PLNA.com; NGLCO (Nursery Growers of Lake County Ohio) Annual Summer Field Day. August 9, 2011. Rusty Oak Nursery, Valley City, Ohio. Contact: Annetrte Howard, 440.231.7969; e-mail, info@nglco.com; url, http://www.nglco.comFarwest Show. August 27-29, 2011. Portland, Oregon, Oregon Convention Center. Contact: Oregon Association of Nurserymen, 29751 SW Town Center Loop West, Wilsonville, OR 97070; 800.342-6401; 503.682.5089 x 2006; Fax, 503.682.5099; e-mail, info@farwestshow.com; url, http://www.farwestshow.comKNLA 12th Summer Outing. September 8, 2011. KSU Center for Sustainability, (KSU Research & Demonstration Farm), 1525 Mills Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601. Contact: Betsie Taylor, KNLA Exec. Dir., 216 Pendleton Lane, Frankfort, KY 40601; 502.695.0106; Fax, 502.695.8455; e-mail,mail.knla@gmail.com mail.knla@gmail.com; url, http://www.knla.org/pdf/2011_outing1.pdfLNA - Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. September 21, 2011. Summers Nursery, 6702 Old Zaring Road, Crestwood, KY 40014-9551 (go East on Old Zaring Rd off 329 not west as GPS may direct you, Google Maps are now correct), 502.241.5818. Contact: Caroline Westfall, 502.895.9168; e-mail, lounurseryassoc@bellsouth.netASHS 2011 Annual Conference. September 25-28. 2011. Hilton Waikoloa Village, Waikoloa, Hawaii. Contact: ASHS, 113 South West Street, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314-2851; 703.836.4606; fax, 703.836.2024; url, http://www.ashs.org/conferences.htmlMiddle Tennessee Nursery Association (MTNA) Trade Show. September 30-October 1, 2011, McMinnville Civic Center, McMinnville, Tennessee. Contact: Ann Halcomb, MTNA Executive Secretary, 201 Locust St., Ste 14, McMinnville, TN 37110, 931.507.7322; Fax, 931.507.9601; e-mail. mtna@blomand.net ; url, http://www.mtna.comIPPS Eastern Region: 61st Annual Meeting. October 19-22, 2011. Seelbach Hilton Hotel, Louisville, KY. Contact: Margot Bridgen, IPPS Executive Secretary/Treasurer, 1700 North Parish Dr., Southold, NY 11971; 631.765.9638; Fax, 631.765.9648; e-mail, IPPS, Southern Region: 36th Annual Meeting. October 23-26, 2011. Valdosta, Georgia.Contact: Donna Foster, Secr/Treas, SRIPPS, 4661 Crystal Drive, Columbia, SC 29206; 803.743.4284; Fax, 803-787-2919; e-mail: scplant@bellsouth.net ; url, http://www.ipps-srna.org/index.htmKentucky Turfgrass Council (KTC) 2011Annual Conference, Golf Tournament and Trade Show. October 24-26, 2011. Belterra Casino and Resort, Florence, IN. Contact: Dr. David Williams, 859.484.3537; e-mail kyturfcouncil@gmail.com ; url, http://www.uky.edu/Ag/ukturf/ktc.htmPesticide Training for pesticide CEUs - 3 general and 1 specific for Cat 3, 6, 10 and 12. November 4, 2011. McCracken County Cooperative Extension, 2705 Olivet Church Road, Paducah, KY 42001. Contact: McCracken County Horticulture Agent Kathy Wimberley: 270.554.9520; e-mail, kawi223@email.uky.eduLNA - Louisville Nursery Association HOLIDAY Meeting. November 16, 2011. Country Corner Greenhouse, 4877 Highway 44 E, Shepherdsville, KY 40165-6806;502.955.8635, Contact: Caroline Westfall, 502.895.9168; e-mail, lounurseryassoc@bellsouth.netUK Nursery/Landscape/Garden Center IPM Workshop (Pesticide CEUs). December 1, 2011. UKREC, 1205 Hopkinsville St, Princeton, KY. Contact: Christi Forsythe, 270.365.7541 x 221; e-mail, cforsyth@uky.edu or Win Dunwell, 270.261.9467; e-mail, wdunwell@uky.edu; program and registration