2002 HortMemo Meetings
KSHS/KVGA - Fruit and Vegetable Winter Conference and Trade Show. January 7-8, 2002. Holiday Inn North, Lexington. Contact: John Strang; 859.257.5685; Fax, 859.257.2859; e-mail,jstrang@ca.uky.edu
Kentucky Landscape Industries Winter Educational Conference and Trade Show. January 8-10, 2002. The Lexington Center, Lexington, KY. Contact: Betsie Taylor, KNLA Exec. Dir., 350 Village Drive, Frankfort, KY 40601 502.848.0055 or 800.735.9791, Fax 502.848.0032 e-mailknla@mis.net homepage http://www.knla.org
INLA P.L.A.N.T.S. 2002: Professional Landscape And Nursery Trade Show. January 8-11, 2002. Indiana Convention Center and RCA Dome, Indianapolis, IN. Contact: Paula L. Williams, Exec. Dir. INLA, 800.443.7336, 317.573.2848, Fax 317.573.2994, E-mail inla@in-motion.net ; url http://www.inla1.org
Garden Gurus IV: Rick Darke and C. Colston Burrell. January 12, 2002. Paducah, KY. Contact: Kathy Keeney, 270.554.9520, kkeeney@ca.uky.edu or Carolyn Roof, 270.554.4466gardener@paducah.com
Botanica presents Dan Hinkley: The Garden in Winter; Blossom, Foliage, Fruit, and Bark. January 12, 2002. The Clifton Center, Louisville, KY. Contact: Mary Anne Thornton, 502.896.4251; e-mail, BotanicUK@aol.com
2002 Annual NAFDMA Conference. January 14-20, 2002. Toronto,Ontario, Canada. Contact: Charlie Touchette, North American Farmers' Direct Marketing Association (NAFDMA) Exec. Dir., 62 White Loaf Road, Southampton, MA 01073; 413.529.0386; e-mail,info@familyfarms.com ; url, http://www.nafdma.com
Commercial Vegetable Production & Marketing Seminar. January 16, 2002, 0830-1630. Boone County Extension Office, Burlington, KY. Contact: Mike Klahr, 859.586.6101, e-mailmklahr@ca.uky.edu
Mid-AM Trade Show. January 16-18, 2002. Navy Pier, Chicago, IL. Contact: Rand Baldwin, 847.526.2010, Fax 847.526.3993, e-mail mail@midam.org , homepage http://www.midam.org
The Tennessee Nursery & Landscape Association Trade Show and Conference. January 20-22, 2002. Chattanooga Convention Center, Chattanooga, TN. Contact: TNLA, 931.473.3951, Fax 931.473.5883, e-mail:tnurseryassn@blomand.net url, http://www.tnla.com
Central Environmental Nursery Trade Show "CENTS". January 21-23, 2002. Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio. Contact: Bill Stalter, ONLA, 800.825.5062, Fax 800.860.1713, e-mail onlagreen@aol.com homepage http://www.onla.org
Specialty Crops & Niche Crops Production & Marketing Seminar. January 24, 2002, 0830-1630. Boone County Extension Office, Burlington, KY. Contact; Mike Klahr; 859.586.6101; e-mail,mklahr@ca.uky.edu
Gulf States Horticulture Expo. January 24-26, 2002. Mobile, AL. Contact: GSHE; 334.502.7777; fax 334.502.7711; e-mail alna@prodigy.net ; url http://www.alna.org/expo.htm
ANLA Management Clinic. January 31 - February 03, 2002. Louisville, KY. Contact: ANLA, 202.789.2900; Fax, 202.789.1893; http://www.anla.org
Southern Region American Society for Horticultural Science. February 2-4, 2003. Orlando, Florida. Contact: Paul Smeal, 1107 Kentwood Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060-5656, 540.552.4085, Fax: 540.953.0805, e-mail: psmeal@vt.edu homepage http://www.ashs.org
Central Kentucky Ornamental and Turf Association (CKOTA) Winter Conference and Trade Show. February 7, 2002. Fayette County Extension Office, Lexington, KY. Contact: Richard Weber, 859.224.1417
Tri-State Nursery Landscape and Grounds Maintenance 2002 Seminar & Trade Show. Febraury 7, 2002. Sharonville Convention Center, Cincinnati, OH. Contact: OSU Hamilton County, 523.946.8989
New England Grows 2002. February 7-9, 2002. Location To be Arranged. Contact: 508.653.3009, Fax 508.653.4112, e-mail:NEGrows@aol.comhomepagehttp://www.NEGrows.org
A. J. Powell's 25rd Turf and Landscape Management Short Course. February 18-22, 2002. Executive Inn East, Louisville, KY. Contact: Donna L. Michael, 502.425.4482,dmichael@ca.uky.edu
KNLA West Kentucky Chapter 4th Annual Winter Meeting: Irrigation Products Provide Options for the Horticulture Industry. February 21, 2002. C. C. Cohens, Paducah. KY. Contact: Dusty Kornbacher, Gateway Garden Center, 960 Hwy 68 East, Benton, KY 52025-7016, phone: 270.527.1884, e-mail, kyflrfmr@vci.net or Amy Fulcher, WKY KNLA Educational Coordinator,afulcher@uky.edu , 270.821.3650.
Food, Flowers, and Fun. February 23, 2002. Fayette County Extension Office, Lexington, KY. Contact: Fayette County Extension,1140 Red Mile Place, Lexington, KY 40504-1172; 859.257.5582, Fax 859.254.3697; e-mail, fayette@uky.edu , url,http://www.ca.uky.edu/Fayette/home/events.htm
Plasticulture 2002.: 30th American Agricultural Plastics Congress. February 23-26, 2002. Contact: ASP, 717.238.9762, Fax 7171.239.9985, e-mailpheuser@calabreseheuser.orgurlhttp://www.plasticulture.org
Best Management Practices Workshop III, for Garden Center Operators, Landscape Contractors, and Ornamental Plant Growers. February 26, 2002. UK Res. & Educ. Center, Princeton, KY.Same program February 27, 2002, Jefferson County Extension Office, Louisville, KY. Contact: Amy Fulcher, 270.821.3650, afulcher@ca.uky.edu, Donna Michael, 502.425.4482,dmichael@ca.uky.edu or Win Dunwell 270.365.7541 x 209, wdunwell@ca.uky.edu
Kentucky's Invasive Exotic Plants: Part 1. April 20, 2002. Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest, Clermont, KY. Contact: Margaret Shea, Natural Areas Director, 502.955.8512, no fee but preregistration requested.
Earth Day. April 22, 2002. United States of America and Worldwide. Contact: Earth Day Network, 1616 P Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, D.C. 20036 USA; ph., 202.518.0044; fax, 202.518.8794; e-mail, earthday@earthday.net ; url, http://www.earthday.net
Trees, People and the Law Seminar. May 14, 2002. Days Inn (Airport/Opryland), Nashville, TN. Contact: National Arbor Day Foundation: 402.474.5655; 888.448.7337; Fax 402.474.0820, P.O. 81415, Lincoln, NE 68501-1415; url,http://www.arborday.org/programs/conferences/tpl/index.html
Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. May 15, 2002. Bernheim Arboretum, Clermont, KY. Contact: John Day 502.231.0822 or Richard Wolford, 502.245.6097
Southeast Regional Master Gardener Conference. May 20-22, 2002. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Contacts: Erv Evans, ph, 919.515.5378 or 919.515.3113; e-mailErv_Evans@ncsu.edu ; Caroline McCall,cvmccall@nc.rr.comurlhttp://www.southeast-mastergardener.net/
Landscape Plant Symposium: on "Plant Development and Utilization". May 23-25, 2002. Renaissance Asheville Hotel, Asheville, North Carolina. Contact: METRIAhttp://fletcher.ces.state.nc.us/programs/nursery/metria/metria2002/; or Dr. Brian Maynard, Dept of Plant Sciences, URI, Kingston, RI 02881 401.874.5372, e-mailbmaynard@uri.edu ; or Dr. Tom Ranney, Dept. of Hort. Science, NCSU, 455 Research Drive, Fletcher, NC, 828.684.3562, e-mail tom_ranney@ncsu.edu
Nature and Environmental Writers - College and University Educators (NEW-CUE): Second Annual Writers' Conference and Workshop: Theme; 40th Anniversary of the Publication of Rachel Carson's Silent Spring. June 11-14, 2002. The Spruce Point Inn, Boothbay Harbor, ME. Contact: Barbara Ward Klein, Pres. 845.398.4247; Fax 845.398.4224; e-mail, new-cue@care2.com ; url,http://www.new-cue.org
Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. June 19, 2002 Boone-Gardiner Garden Center, 16411 Shelbyville Road, Louisville. Contact: John Day 502.231.0822 or Richard Wolford, 502.245.6097
20th Perennial Plant Symposium. July 7-13, 2002. Hyatt regency O'Hare, Rosemont, IL. Contact: PPA, 3383 Schirtzinger Road, Hilliard, OH 43026; 614.771.8431; Fax 614.876.5238; e-mail,ppa@perennialplant.org ; url,http://www.perennialplant.org
UK Turfgrass Field Day. July 11, 2002. Turf Research Center Spindletop Farm, Lexingoton, KY. Contact: A.J. Powell, 859.257.5606, ajpowell@uky.edu or David Williams, 859.257.2715,dwilliam@uky.edu
ANLA Convention & Executive Learning Retreat. July 12 - 15, 2002. San Diego, CA. Contact: ANLA, 202.789.2900; Fax, 202.789.1893; http://www.anla.org
Ohio Florists' Association Short Course and Trade Show. July 13-17, 2002. Greater Columbus Convention Center. Contact: OFA, 614.487.1117, e-mailofa@ofa.orghomepagehttp://www.ofa.org
Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. July 17, 2002. Bill Lose Wholesale Nursery, 5307 Highway 403, Charleston, IN. Contact: John Day 502.231.0822 or Richard Wolford, 502.245.6097
UKREC All-Commodity Field Day. July 18, 2002. Princeton, KY. Contact; Sam McNeill; 270.365.7541 x 213; fax, 270.365.2667; e-mail, smcneill@ca.uky.edu
International Lawn, Garden, and Power Equipment Expo 2002. July 19-21, 2002. Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville, KY. Contact: Sellers Expositions, 222 Pearl Street, Suite 300, New Albany, IN 47150 USA, 800.558.8767, 812.949.9200, Fax: 812.949.9600, urlhttp://Expo.mow.org
West Kentucky KNLA Chapter Summer Meeting. July 25, 2002. Location TBA. Contact: Dusty Kornbacher, Gateway Garden Center, 960 Hwy 68 East, Benton, KY 52025-7016, phone: 270.527.1884, e-mail, kyflrfmr@vci.net or Amy Fulcher, WKY KNLA Educational Coordinator,afulcher@uky.edu , 270.365.7541 x 279
American Phytopathological Society 2002 Annual Meeting. July 27-31, 2002. Midwest Express Center, Milwaukee, WI. Contact: APS Headquarters, 3340 Pilot Knob Road, St. Paul, MN 55121-2097; 651.454.7250; Fax 651.454.0766; e-mail, aps@scisoc.org ; url,http://www.apsnet.org/meetings/2002/schedule.htm
SNA 2002 - Southern Nursery Association Researcher's Conference and Trade Show. August 1-4, 2002. Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA. Contact: SNA 770.953.3311; Fax 770.953.4411; SNA Infoline, 770.953.4636; e-mail: mail@mail.sna.org ; url,http://www.sna.org
American Society for Horticultural Science and XXVI International Horticultural Congress & Exhibition. August 11-17, 2002. Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Contact: ASHS, 703.836.4606, Fax: 703.836.2024, E-mail:ashs@ashs.orghomepagehttp://www.ashs.org or Norman E. Looney,http://www.ihc2002.org
Tennessee Green Industry Field Day. August 13, 2002, 0800-1700. TSU-Nursery Crop Research Station, McMinnville, TN. Contact: Mark A. Halcomb, UT Area Nursery Specialist, Warren Co. Ag. Extension Service, 201 Locust St. #10, McMinnville, Tenn. 37110, e-mailmhalcomb@utk.edu
Northern Plant Conference II. August 14, 2002, Nursery Tours; August 15-16, 2002, Conference. Radisson Hotel, Eastlake, Ohio. Contact: Randy Zontag, ph. 440.350.2269; e-mail,zondag.1@osu.edu or Associated Green Industries (AGI), P.O. Box 123, Painesville, OH 44077-0123; ph. 440.350.2583; e-mail bollas.3@osu.edu ; url, http://www.onla.org/nps.html
Far West Show/Ornamentals Northwest Seminars. August 21-24, 2002. Oregon Convention Center, Portland, OR. Contact: Aimee Schendel, Oregon Association of Nurserymen, 29751 SW Town Center Loop West, Wilsonville, OR 97070; 800.342-6401; 503.682.5089 x 2006; Fax, 503.682.5099; e-mail, info@farwestshow.com; url, http://www.farwestshow.com
Central Kentucky Ornamentals and Turf Association Field Day. August 29, 2002, 1600. Contact: Lynn Saville, lsaville@mis.net or write CKOTA, P.O. Box 25148, Lexington, KY 40524-5148
KNLA Summer Outing with Don Shadow. September 5, 2002. Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest Arboretum Center, Clermont, KY. Contract: Betsie Taylor, KNLA Executive Director, 350 Village Drive, Frankfort, KY 40601; 502.848.0055 or 800.735.9791; Fax 502.848.0032; e-mail, knla@mis.net ; homepage http://www.knla.org
Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. September 18, 2002. Summers Nursery and Landscaping, 6702 Old Zaring Road, Crestwood, KY Contact: John Day 502.231.0822 or Richard Wolford, 502.245.6097
Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers National Conference and Trade Show. September 18-21, 2002. Madison Marriott West, Middleton, WI. Contact: ASCFG, MPO Box 268, Oberlin, OH, 44074; 440.774.2887; Fax, 440.774.2435; e-mail ascfg@oberlin.net ; url,http://www.ascfg.org
Mountain Horticultural Crops Research Station Nursery Crops Field Day. September 26, 2002; 0900-1200. NCSU Mountain Horticultural Crops Research Station, Fletcher, NC. Contact: Dick Bir, e-mail Dick_Bir@ncsu.edu
Eastern Region International Plant Propagators' Society NA and IPPS Southern Region NA. Annual Meeting. September 29-October 2, 2002. Hunt Valley (Baltimore), MD. Contact: Margot Bridgen, IPPS Executive Secretary/Treasurer, 1700 North Parish Dr., Southold, NY 11971; 631.765.9638; Fax 631.765.9648; e-mail ippser@earthlink.net or Dr. David L. Morgan, 332 Warbler Drive, Bedford, TX 76021; ph. 817.577.9272; e-mail dleemorgan@msn.com
3rd Eastern Native Grass Symposium. October 1-3, 2002. North Carolina Botanical Garden & Friday Center, Chapel Hill, N.C. Contact: Teresa flora, NCBG, CB# 3375, Chapel Hill, NC 27599; fax 9191.962.3531; e-mail tflora@email.unc.edu ; url http://www.unc.edu/depts/ncbg
The International Maple Symposium. October 2-5, 2002. Westonbirt Arboretum, Tetbury, Gloucestershire, GL8, 8QS, England. Contact: Westonbirt Arboretum; phone, 44 (0) 1666 880220; Fax 44 (0) 1666 880559; e-mail,westonbirt@forestry.gsi.gov.uk ; url, http://www.westonbirtarboretum.com
Middle Tennessee Nursery Association (MTNA) Horticultural Trade Show. October 4-5, 2002. McMinnville Civic Center, McMinnville, TN. Contact: Ann Halcomb, MTNA Exec. Secr., P.O. Box 822, McMinnville, TN 37111-0822; 931.668.7322; Fax, 931.668.9601; e-mail mtna@blomand.net ; url, http://www.mtna.com orhttp://www.tnnursery.com/mtna
Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. October 16, 2002. Cave Hill Cemetery, 701 Baxter Avenue, Louisville, KY. Contact: Bonnie Ried, 502.245.6097 or Jeff Perry, 502.267.5017
American Society of Landscape Architects. October 18-22, 2002. McEnery Convention Center San Jose, California. Contact: ASLA 636 Eye Street, NW Washington, DC 20001-3736; 202.898.2444; Fax: 202.898.1185; urlhttp://www.asla.org
IPPS Western Region 43rd Annual Conference. October 30-November 2, 2002.Sheraton Mesa Hotel & Convention Center, Mesa, Arizona. Contact: Dr. Sheila Bhattacharya, V & P Nurseries, Inc., P.O. Box 4221 Mesa AZ 85211-4221; 480.917.9847; Fax 480.917.2856; e-mail,sheila@vp-nurseries.com ; url, http://www.ipps.org/WesternNA/wr2002/
Audobon District Gardening Consultant Study Course: Course 1. November 6-8, 2002. University of Kentucky Research and Education Center, Princeton, KY. Contact: Sally Geisler, 270.522.8509 or Winston Dunwell, 270.365.7541.
2nd Annual Great Southern Tree Conference. December 6-7, 2002. Gainesville, Fl. Contact: Heather Nedley, FNGA, 800.375.3642 or hnedley@fnga.org