2000 HortMemo Meetings
KSHS/KVGA - Fruit and Vegetable Winter Conference and Trade Show. January 3-4, 2000. Holiday Inn North, Lexington. Contact: John Strang, 606.257.5685, Fax 606.257.2859, E-mail: jstrang@ca.uky.edu
Optimizing Tree Root Health: A Free Seminar for Tree Care Professionals and Backyard Gardeners. January 10, 2000. Burlington, KY. Contact: Boone County Extension 606.586.6101 by 01.07.00.
Kentucky Landscape Industries Winter Educational Conference and Trade Show. January 11-13, 2000. The Lexington Center, Lexington, KY. Contact: Debbie Cain, KNLA Exec. Dir. 502.899.3622, Fax 502.899.7922, e-mail:knla@iglou.com
INLA P.L.A.N.T.S. 2000: Professional Landscape And Nursery Trade Show. January 11-14, 2000. Indiana State Fairgrounds, Indianapolis, IN. Contact: Paula L. Williams, Exec. Dir. INLA, 800.443.7336, 317.573.2848, Fax 317.573.2994. E-mail cms@in-motion.net
"Garden Gurus II": An Afternoon of Gardening Excitement and Fun. January 15, 2000. Cherry Civic Center, Paducah, KY Contact: Carolyn Roof gardener@sunsix.infi.net or Kathy Keeney kkeeney@ca.uky.edu or 270.554.9520
Mid-AM Trade Show. January 19-21, 2000. Navy Pier, Chicago. Contact: Donn W. Sanford, 847.526.2010, Fax 847.526.3993, E-mail: midam@mc.net
"CENTS" 2000. January 24-26, 2000. Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, OH. Contact: ONLA, 614.899.1195, 800.825.5062, Fax-on-demand 888.665.2329, homepage: http://www.onla.org
New England Grows 2000. January 27-29, 2000. Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA. Contact: 508.653.3009, Fax 508.653.4112, e-mail: NEGrows@aol.com , homepage http://www.NEGrows.org
Southern Region American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Convention. January 29-February 2, 2000. Lexington, KY. Contact: Paul Smeal, 1107 Kentwood Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060-5656, 540.552.4085, Fax: 540.953.0805, E-mail: psmeal@vt.edu homepage http://www/ashs.org
CKOTA Winter Conference and Trade Show. February 3, 2000. Fayette County Extension Office. Contact: Candace Harker, 606.257.5582; e-mail charker@ca.uky.eduCKOTA, P.O. Box 25148, Lexington, KY 40524-5148.
The Management Clinic. February 3-6, 2000. Galt House, Louisville, KY. Contact: ANLA 202.789.2900,http://www.anla.org
American Hemerocallis Soc. Region 10 Mid-Winter Symposium. February 4-6, 2000. Chattanooga Choo-Choo, Chattanooga, TN. Contact; Lee Pickles, 423.842.4630, e-mail lpickles@cdc.net http://www.ahsregion10.org
Botanica Presents Rick Darke; Practical Garden Design with Reverence for Nature. February 5, 2000, 1400-1630. Clifton Center, 2117 Payne Street, Louisville, KY 40206. Contact: Mary Anne Thornton, 502.896.4251 E-mailBotanicaKY@aol.com
A. J. Powell's 23rd Turf and Landscape Management Short Course. February 7-11, 2000. Executive Inn East, Louisville, KY. Contact: Donna L. Michael, 502.425.4482, dmichael@ca.uky.edu
Tools for Urban Water Resource Management & Protection: A National Conference. February 7-10, 2000. The Westin Michigan Avenue, Chicago. Contact: Bob Kirschner, Chicago Botanic Garden, 847.835.6837,bkirschn@chicagobotanic.org
Kentucky Herb Association. February 12, 2000. Franklin County Extension Office, Frankfort, KY. Contact: Mary Peddie, 606.759.7815, E-mail; mparrot@may-uky.campus.MCI.net
The Tri-State NLGM Seminar. February 17, 2000. Sharonville Convention Center, Sharonville, OH. Contact: OSU Hamilton County Extension, 513.825.6000.
NCSU & NCAN - 2000 Nursery ShortCourse. February 17-18, 2000. Jane S. McKimmon Center, Raleigh, NC. Contact: Ronald E. Gelvin, Exec. Dir., PO Box 400, Knightdale, NC 27545, 919.266.3322
west Kentucky Chapter of the KNLA. February 24, 2000, 1800. Kentucky Dam Resort, Gilbertsville, KY. Contact: Dusty Kornbacher, Gateway Garden Center, 960 Hwy 68 East, Benton, KY 52025-7016, phone: 270.527.1884, e-mail, kyflrfmr@vci.net
Fred Wiche Lawn & Garden Expo. February 24-27, 2000. Commonwealth ConventionCenter, Louisville. Contact: Cheryl, 502.458.7353, e-mail louexpo@aol.com
National Floriculture Forum: Topic; Student Recruitment. February 26-27, 2000. February 25, 2000, pretour; Pan American Seed and Ball Horticulture. Chicago Botanic Garden, Chicago, IL. Contact: Mark Bridgen; 860.486.2021; Fax 860.486.0682; e-mail BRIDGEN@UCONNVM.UConn.Edu
Stewardship through Plantsmanship Symposium. February 29, 2000. North Carolina Arboretum, Asheville, NC. Contact: Cindy Blankenship, 828.665.2492,cblankenship@ncarboretum.orghttp://www.ncarboretum.org/symp1.htm
24th Annual ALCA Student Career Days. March 9-12, 2000. Mississippi State University, Starkville, MS. Contact: ALCA 800.395.2522 http://www.alca.org
Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. March 15, 2000; 1800. Louisville Tractor Company, 1675 Watterson Trail, Louisville, KY. Contact: LNA, P. O. Box 23133, Louisville, KY 40223-0133
American Horticultural Society (AHS) 40th Annual Conference. March 16-18, 2000. Houston, TX. Contact Mary Ann Patterson, 1.800.777.7931 ext. 121, for a registration brochure, call ext. 110 or got to http://www.ahs.org
Japan Flora 2000 'Communication Between Man and Nature'. March 18, 2000 - September 17, 2000. Awaji Island, Japan. Contact: http://web.pref.hyogo.jp/jpnflora/english/index.htm or Meg VanSchoorl, MVANSCHOOR@agr.wa.gov
Best Management Practices Workshop for Garden Center Operators, Landscape Contractors, and Ornamental Plant Growers. March 30, 2000. UK Res. & Educ. Center, Princeton, KY. Contact: Amy Fulcher, 270.821.3650,afulcher@ca.uky.edu or Win Dunwell 270.365.7541 x 209,wdunwell@ca.uky.edu
Botanica presents:"Another Great Adventure - UK Horticulturists Traveling in China, Part 1". April 18, 2000, 7:30 pm EDT. Commonwealth Bank, 286 North Hubbards Lane, Louisville KY. Contact: Mary Anne Thornton, 502.896.4251 or e-mail BotanicaKY@aol.com
Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. May 17, 2000; 1800. Cave Hill Cemetery, 701 Baxter Ave, Louisville, KY. Contact: LNA, P. O. Box 23133, Louisville, KY 40223-0133
Kentucky State Gourd Show. May 20-21, 2000. Spencer County High School, Taylorsville, KY. Contact: Janet Barnett, 502.477.8543, e-mail janet01@sprynet.com
Native Plants in the Landscape Conference. June 8-10, 2000. Millersville University, Millersville, PA. Contact: Dept of Continuing Educ., 717.872.3030, Fax 717.871.2022.
Kentucky Herb Festival. June 10, 2000. Franklin County Fairgrounds, Frankfort, KY. Contact: Maxine Shearer, 859.527.6619 or Sue Clifford, 859.234.1452
WK KNLA Chapter Meeting. June 15, 2000. McCracken County Extension Office, Paducah, KY. Contact; Dusty Kornbacher, Gateway Garden Center, 960 Hwy 68 East, Benton, KY 52025-7016, phone: 270.527.1884,e-mail,kyflrfmr@vci.net
Amer. Hemerocallis Society Region 10 Meeting. June 16-17, 2000. Holiday Inn - Memphis East, Memphis, TN. Contact: Elsie Heintz, 901.755.3541, elrich74@webtv.comweb site: http://www.ahsregion10.org
Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. June 21, 2000; 1800. Boone Gardiner Garden Center, 16411 Shelbyville Road, Louisville, KY. Contact: LNA, P. O. Box 23133, Louisville, KY 40223-0133
Southeast Greenhouse Conference & Trade Show. June 21-24, 2000. Greenville, SC. Contact: Southeast Greenhouse Conference; 877.927.2775, e-mail info@sgcts.orghomepage http://www.sgcts.org
Ohio Florists' Association Short Course and Trade Show. July 8-12, 2000. Greater Columbus Convention Center. Contact: OFA, 614.487.1117. E-mail ofa@ofa.org , Homepage http://www.ofa.org
American Nursery & Landscape Association Annual Convention. July 11-16, 2000. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Contact: ANLA 202.789.2900, http://www.anla.org
Botanica Bus Trip and Horticultural tours of Cincinnati's Spring Grove Cemetery and Zoo. July 12, 2000, 0800. Christ Methodist Church, 4614 Brownsboro Road, Louisville. Contact: Mary Ann Thornton, 502.896.4251,BotanicaKY@aol.com
American Hemerocallis Society National Convention. July 13-15, 2000. Adam's mark Hotel, Philadelphia, PA. Contact: Joan Jackson, 610.647.7905, e-mail Jack12@erols.com
KAA & UKCA Cooperative Extension LANDSCAPE PLANT HEALTH CARE WORKSHOPS. July 18, 2000. Fayette County Extension Office, Lexington. Contact: Dr. Bill Fountain, 859.257-3320; Fax 859-257-2859; e-mailwfountai@ca.uky.edu or Ruth Erskine, 859-235-0106; e-mail, kyarbor@setel.com
Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. July 19, 2000; 1800. Frank Otte Container Nursery, 13905 Aiken Road, Louisville, KY. Contact: LNA, P. O. Box 23133, Louisville, KY 40223-0133
UKREC All-Commodity Field Day. July 20, 2000. UK Research and Education Center, Princeton, KY. Contact: Dr. Jim Herbek, 270.365.7541.
2000 Cullowhee Conference - Native Plants in the Landscape. July 20-22, 2000. Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC. Contact: Sue Dietz, 828.227.7397
International Lawn, Garden, and Power Equipment Expo 2000. July 22-24, 2000. Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville, KY. Contact: Sellers Expositions, 800.558.8767, Fax 502.562.970, http://Expo.mow.org
American Society for Horticultural Science 97thInternational Conference. July 23-26, 2000. Disney Coronado Springs Resort, Orlando, FL. Contact: ASHS, 703.836.4606, Fax: 703.836.2024, E-mail: ashs@ashs.orghomepage http://www.ashs.org
Perennial Plant Symposium 2000. July 30-August 5, 2000. Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Contact: PPA, 3383 Schirtzinger Road,Hilliard, Ohio 43026,614.771.8431, Fax 614.876.5238, e-mail; ppa@perennialplant.org web site;http://www.perennialplant.org
KAA & UKCA Cooperative Extension LANDSCAPE PLANT HEALTH CARE WORKSHOPS. August 1, 2000. Hopkins County Extension Office, Madisonville. Contact: Dr. Bill Fountain, 859.257-3320; Fax 859-257-2859; e-mail wfountai@ca.uky.edu or Ruth Erskine, 859-235-0106; e-mail, kyarbor@setel.com
KAA & UKCA Cooperative Extension LANDSCAPE PLANT HEALTH CARE WORKSHOPS. August 3, 2000. Louisville Zoo, Louisville, KY. Contact: Dr. Bill Fountain, 859.257-3320; Fax 859-257-2859; e-mail wfountai@ca.uky.edu or Ruth Erskine, 859-235-0106; e-mail, kyarbor@setel.com
Southwestern Ohio Environmental Horticulture Association (SOEHA) Summer Field Day. August 3, 2000. The Siebentaher Co, Beavercreek, OH. Contact: LuAnne 937.426.5729.
SNA 2000 - Southern Nursery Association Researcher's Conference and Trade Show. August 3-6, 2000. Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA. Contact: SNA 770.953.3311; Fax 770.953.4411, SNA Infoline, 770.953.4636; http://www.sna.org
International Society for Arboriculture Annual Conference. August 11-18, 2000. Baltimore, MD. Contact: ISA: 217.355.9411, homepage: http://www2.champaign.isa-arbor.com
Metropolitan Tree Improvement Alliance Biennial Conference/Landscape Plant Development Center (METRIA/LPDC) Annual Meeting. August 23-24, 2000. Briarwood Inn, Gresham (Portland area), Oregon. Contact: Jim Sellmer, Exec. Dir. METRIA, 814.863.2250, Fax 814.863.6139, jcs32@psu.edu or Harold Pellet, Exec. Dir. LPDC, 612.443.2460 x 735, pelle002@maroon.tc.umn.edu
KNLA SUMMER OUTING at BERNHEIM. September 7, 2000. Bernheim Arboretum, Clermont, KY. Contact: Debbie Cain, KNLA Exec. Dir. 502.899.3622, Fax 502.899.7922, e-mail: knla@iglou.com web site http://www.knla.org
Building With Trees. September 12, 2000. Lexington, KY. Contact: Sarah Gracey, 502.564.4496,Sarah.Gracey@mail.state.ky.us
Bernheim Arboretum Plant Walk with Hort. Dir. Dr. Paul Cappiello. September 12, 2000. Bernheim Arboretum, Clermont, KY. Contact: Bernheim Arboretum, 502.955.8512 nature@bernheim.org
Master Gardener Coordinators' Conference. September 13-14, 2000. Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI. Contact: Mary McLellan, MSU, 240 PSS Building, East Lansing, MI 48824-1325, lockwo36@pilot.msu.edu
Northern Plant Conference. September 14 (pm start up), 15 (presentations), 16 (optional tours), 2000. The Kellogg Center, East Lansing, MI. Contact: Amy Frankman, MNLA, 517.381.0437, 1.800.879.6652,amyfmnla@aol.com , homepage http://www.mnla.org
Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. September 20, 2000. Perry & Kaelin Landscape Co., 3051 Element Drive, Louisville, KY. Contact: LNA, P. O. Box 23133, Louisville, KY 40223-0133
Plasticulture 2000: 29th Natl. Ag. Plastics Congress and the 15th Intnl. Congress for Plastics in Ag. September 23-27, 2000. Hershey Lodge & Conv. Ctr., Hershey, PA. Contact: ASP, 526 Brittany Drive, State College, PA 16803-1420, 814.238.7045, Fax 814.238.7051, e-mail peh4@psu.edu
Eastern Region International Plant Propagators' Society Annual Meeting. October 1-4, 2000. Hyatt Regency Oak Brook, Chicago, IL Contact: Margot Bridgen, 26 Woodland Road, Storrs, CT 06268, 860.429.6818, E-mail:mbippser@neca.com
Middle Tennessee Nursery Association Horticultural Trade Show. October 6-7,2000. McMinnville Civic Center, McMinnville, TN. Contact: Ann Halcomb, 931.668.7322 fax: 931.668.9601; e-mail: mtna@blomand.net, homepage: http://www.mtna.com or http://www.tnnursery.com/mtna
Southern Region International Plant Propagators' Society. October 8-11, 2000. Chesapeake, VA. Contact: David Morgan, 817.882.4148, Fax 817.882.4121, SR IPPS, P.O. Box 1868, Ft. Worth, TX 76101, E-mail:dmorgan@bsipublishing.com
Pesticide Applicator Training and Best Management Practices II. October 12, 2000. UKREC, Princeton, KY. Contact: Dr. Monte Johnson, 859.257.6693, mjohnson@ca.uky.edu
Purchase Area Master Gardener's 2000 Floral Design Series: Hardie Newton's Encore demonstration seminar and workshop. October 13. 2000. Paducah, KY . Contact: Carol Baugh, baugh@apex.net
Botanica Fall Garden Conference: Roy Klehm and John Elsley, Their Favorite Plants. October 14, 2000, 1300. Louisville, KY. Contact: Mary Anne Thornton, 502.896.4251, BotanicaKY@aol.com
KAA Jamboree, tree climbing competition. October 14, 2000. Burea College, Burea, KY. Contact: Tree Climbing Chairman, B.G. Hubbs, 859.233.3022 or Ruth Erskine, 859.235.0106, kyarbor@setel.com
Louisville Nursery Association Meeting. October 18, 2000. Wallitsch Garden Center, 2608 Hikes Lane, Louisville, KY. Contact: LNA, P. O. Box 23133, Louisville, KY 40223-0133
West Kentucky Chapter of KNLA: KCN Landscape Design Clinic. October 19, 2000, 1830. McCracken County Extension Office, Paducah, KY. Contact: Amy Fulcher, WKY KNLA Educational Coordinator, afulcher@ca.uky.edu , 270.821.3650.
Tennessee Urban Forestry 9th Annual Conference. October 19-20, 2000. Cheekwood Botanic Garden, Nashville, TN. Contact; Jennifer Smith, 615.352.8985, Fax 615.352.6762
CANCELLED International Maple Symposium. October 25-27, 2000. The Hilton Hotel, Lisle, IL. Contact: The Morton Arboretum, http://www.mortonarb.org/InternationalMapleSymposium/index.html 4100 Illinois Rte. 53 , Lisle, IL 60532-1293 USA; 630-968-0074
Bernheim Arboretum Plant Walk with Plant Curator John Watcher: The Best and the Brightest. October 28, 2000. Bernheim Arboretum, Clermont, KY. Contact: Bernheim Arboretum, 502.955.8512, nature@bernheim.org
American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting. October 28-30, 2000. St. Louis, Missouri. Contact: ASLA 202.898.2444 Fax 202.898.1185, http://www.asla.org
KAA Urban Forestry Conference & Annual Meeting. October 30 to November 1, 2000. Holiday Inn Capital Plaza, Frankfort, KY. Contact: Ruth Erskine, 859.235.0106, kyarbor@setel.com
America Recycles Day. November 15, 2000. Nationwide. For information, Kim Henken, 859.257.7775, khenken@ca.uky.edu national web site http://www.americarecyclesday.org
Ecological Restoration Planning Workshop. November 18-19, 2000. Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, Austin, TX. Contact: Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center, 4801 LaCrosse Avenue, Austin, TX 78739, 512.292.4200.