1999 HortMemo Meetings
KSHS/KVGA - Fruit and Vegetable Winter Conference and Trade Show. January 4-5, 1999. Holiday Inn North, Lexington. Contact: John Strang, 606.257.5685, Fax 606.257.2859, e-mail: jstrang@ca.uky.edu
P.L.A.N.T.S., Professional Landscape And Nursery Show. January 5-8, 1999. Indiana State Fairgrounds South Pavilon, Indianapolis, IN. Contact: Paula Williams, INLA Exec. Dir. 800.443.7336 or 317.573.2848, Fax 317.573.2994.
Kentucky Landscape Industries Winter Educational Conference and Trade Show. January 12-13, 1999. The Lexington Center, Lexington, KY. Contact: Debbie Cain, KNLA Exec. Dir. 502.899.3622, Fax 502.899.7922.
Canada's International Horticultural Trade Show and Conference. January 12-14, 1999. Toronto Congress Centre, Toronto, Canada. Contact: Landscape Ontario Congress; 905.875.1805, http://www.hort-trades.com
Mid-AM Trade Show. January 13-15, 1999. Navy Pier, Chicago. Contact: Donn W. Sanford, 847.526.2010, Fax 847.526.3993, e-mail: midam@mc.net
1999 Green & Growin' Show. January 15-16, 1999. Adams mark East, Winston-Salem, NC. Contact: NCAN, 919.266.3322, e-mail ncnurserymen@mindspring.com
North Meets South: An Afternoon of Gardening Excitement and Fun. January 16, 1999. Paducah Community College Theatre, Paducah, KY. Contact; Sue Reid-Draper, 502.554.6305.
Tennessee Nursery Short Course. January 18-20, 1999. Park Vista Hotel, Gatlinburg, TN. Contact: TNA, 931.473.3951; e-mail tnurseryassn@blomand.net
North American Farmers' Direct Marketing Conference and Great Lakes Vegetable Growers' Convention. January 20-22, 1999. Grand Rapids, MI. Contact: 810.234.4126.
Professional Landscape Management School. January 21-22, 1999. University of Southern Indiana, Evansville, IN. Contact: Larry Caplan, 812.435.5287.
Cents 99 and The OSU Nursery Shortcourse. January 25-27, 1999. Greater Columbus Convention Center, Columbus, Ohio. Contact: ONLA, 614.899.1195, 800.825.5062, Fax-on-demand 888.665.2329, homepage: http://www.onla.org
Southern Region American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Convention. January 30-February 3, 1999. Memphis, TN. Contact: Paul Smeal, 1107 Kentwood Drive, Blacksburg, VA 24060-5656, 540.552.4085, Fax: 540.953.0805, e-mail: psmeal@vt.edu .
Trees and Utilities National Conference. February 2-4, 1999. Nebraska City, Nebraska. Contact: June Parsons, 888.448.7337, 402.474.5655 Fax 402.474.0820 e-mail: jparsons@arborday.org
CKOTA Winter Conference. February 4, 1999. Fayette County Extension Office, Lexington, KY. Contact: Candace Harker, 606.257.5582; e-mail charker@ca.uky.edu
The Management Clinic. February 4-7, 1999. Galt House, Louisville, KY. Contact: ANLA 202.789.2900,http://www.anla.org
Nursery Landscape and Grounds Maintenance. February 18, 1999. Sharonville Convention Center, Sharonville OH. Contact: Joe Boggs: 513.825.6060
Kentucky Herb Association. February 19, 1999. Franklin County Extension Office, Frankfort, KY. Contact: Mary Peddie, 606.759.7815, e-mail; mparrot@may-uky.campus.MCI.net
UKCA Turf and Landscape Management Short Course. February 22-26, 1999. Executive Inn East, Louisville, KY. Contact: Donna L. Michael, 502.425.4482, e-mail dmichael@ca.uky.edu
National Floriculture Leaders Forum. February 27-28, 1999. Hilton Hotel, Lisle/Naperville, IL. Contact: Mark Bridgen; 860.486.2021; Fax 860.486.0682; e-mail BRIDGEN@UCONNVM.UConn.Edu
Louisville Nursery Association - Family Outing. March 17, 1999. Louisville Zoo. Contact: Bill Young, Secr/Treas 502.425.8146.
Landscape Practices Seminar: Pruning Techniques. March 18, 1999. Spring Grove Cemetery & Arboretum, Cincinnati, OH. Contact: Spring Grove Cemetery, 513.681.6680, Fax 513.853.6802.
Plant Exploration Symposium. March 18-19, 1999. Chicago Botanic Garden, Chicago, IL. Contact: Galen Gates, 847.835.8238, e-mail ggates@mcs.net ; or Kevin Conrad 202.245.4513, e-mail nakc@ars-grin.gov
ALCA Student Career Days. March 18-21,1999. Hyatt Regency Lexington and Lexington Center, Lexington, KY. Contact: ALCA 800.395.2522 http://www.alca.org or http://www.uky.edu/StudentOrgs/Horticulture
Kentucky Farmers Direct Marketing Conference. March 24-25, 1999. Holiday Inn-Capital Plaza Hotel, Frankfort, KY. Contact: Alason Duncan, 606.233.7845.
Building with Trees National Conference. March 29-31, 1999. Arbor Day Farm, Nebraska City, NE. Contact: National Arbor Day Foundation, 402.474.5655, Fax 402.474.0820.
UKCA Biltmore Estate's Festival of Flowers. April 19, 20, 21, 1999. A tour of the Ashville, NC Garden Highlights Hosted by Hopkins County Extension. Contact: Amy Fulcher, 502.821.3650, Fax 502.825.5011 e-mail: afulcher@ca.uky.edu
Louisville Nursery Association. May 19, 1999. Superior Turf Farm, 111 Picketts Dam Road, Shelbyville, KY. Contact: Bill Young, Secr/Treas 502.425.8146.
National Agricultural Plastics Congress. May 19-22, 1999. Ramada Inn Tallahassee, Tallahasee, Florida. Contact: American Society for Plasticulture, 814.238.7045, Fax 814.238.7051, e-mail: peh4@psu.edu
Master Gardeners Plant Fair. June 5, 1999. Hardin County Cooperative Extension Office, Elizabethtown, KY. Contact: Amy Aldenderfer, 502.765.4121, e-mail aaldende@ca.uky.edu
Vegetable Growers Field Day. June 9, 1999. Fairview Produce Auction, Fairview, KY. Contact: Christian County Extension, 270.886.6328.
American Horticultural Society 1999 Annual Meeting. June 10-12, 1999. Fairmont Copley Plaza, Boston, MA. Contact; AHS, River Farm, 7931 East Boulevard Drive, Alexandria, VA 22308-1300. http://www.ahs.org
Kentucky Herb Assoc Annual Herb Festival. June 12, 1999. Lakeview Park and the Franklin County Extension Office, Frankfort, KY. Contact: Sue Clifford, 606.234.1452
Louisville Nursery Association. June 15, 1999. Walnut Grove Nursery, Old US 62, Eastwood, KY. Contact: Bill Young, Secr/Treas 502.425.8146.
Region 10 Daylily Society Meeting. June 25-26, 1999. Host: Middle Tennessee Daylily Society, Nashville, TN. Contact: Carole Parrish, 615.356.9689 after 7 p.m. CT.
1999 American Association of Botanical Gardens and Aboreta Annual Conference. July 1-3, 1999. Hotel Vancouver, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Contact: Dorothy Kunzig, 610.925.2500 x 11; homepagehttp://www.mobot.org/AABGA/conference/welcome.html
International Herb Association "Herbs around the World" Annual Conference. July 8-11, 1999. Kellogg Conference Center, East Lansing, MI. Contact: IHA 847.949.4372, Fax 847.949.5896, e-mail: IHAOFFICE@aol.com , homepage:http://www.herb-pros.com
Ohio Florists' Association Short Course and Trade Show. July 10-14, 1999. Greater Columbus Convention Center. Contact: OFA, 614.487.1117. e-mail ofa@ofa.org , homepage http://www.ofa.org
UKCA Turf/Agronomy/Horticulture Field. July 15, 1999. Agronomy Research Farm-Spindletop, Lexington, KY. Contact: Field Day Chairman, Morris Bitzer, 606.257.3975 or Turf Specialist, A.J.Powell, 606.257.5606.
Louisville Nursery Association. July 21, 1999. Bill Lose Wholesale Nursery, 10801 Electron Drive, Louisville, KY. Contact: Bill Young, LNA Secr/Treas, 502.425.8146, P.O. Box 23133, Louisville, KY 40223-0133.
16th Annual Landscaping with Native Plants. July 21-24, 1999. Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC. Contact: Sue Deitz, 828.227.7397
UK Robinson Experiment Station & Robinson Forest Field day. July 22, 1999. 125 Robinson Road, Quicksand, KY. Contact: Dr. R. Terry Jones, 606.666.2438, FAX: 606.666.2215, e-mail; tjones@ca.uky.edu
American Nursery & Landscape Association Annual Convention. July 22-27, 1999. Philadelphia, PA. Contact: ANLA 202.789.2900, homepage; http://www.anla.org
International Lawn, Garden, and Power equipment Exposition. July 24-26, 1999. Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville, KY. Contact: Sellers Expositions; 502.562.1962, Fax 502.562.1970 homepage http://expo.mow.org
Perennial Plant Association 1999 Symposium. July 26-31, 1999. Lansing, MI. Contact: Stephen Still, 614.771.8431, Fax 614.876.5238
American Society for Horticultural Science 96thInternational Conference. July 28-31, 1999. Minneapolis Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN. Contact: ASHS, 703.836.4606, Fax: 703.836.2024, e-mail: ashs@ashs.orgHomepage http://www.ashs.org
CKOTA Summer Outing: Olmstead Park System Tour. July 29, 1999. Fayette County Extension Office 8:15 a.m. Contact: Candace Harker, 606.257.5582; e-mail charker@ca.uky.edu CKOTA, P.O. Box 25148, Lexington, KY 40524-5148.
SNA 99 - Southern Nursery Association Researcher's Conference and Trade Show. July 30-August 1, 1999. Georgia World Congress Center, Atlanta, GA Contact: SNA 770.973.9026; SNA Infoline, 770.973.4636, homepage: http://www.sna.org
International Society for Arboriculture Annual Conference. August 1-4, 1999. Stamford, CT. Contact: ISA: 217.355.9411, homepage: http://www.ag.uiuc.edu/~isa
Indiana Nursery and Landscape Association 1999 Summer Meeting. August 4-5, 1999. University Inn and Conference Center, West Lafayette, IN. Contact: Paula Williams, INLA Exec. Dir. 800.443.7336 or 317.573.2848, Fax 317.573.2994.
1999 International Master Gardener Conference and Trade Show. August 19-22, 1999. San Antonio, TX. Contact: Dr. Calvin Finch; e-mail; cr-finch@tamu.edu , homepage; http://mastergardener.tamu.edu
1999 National Urban Forest Conference: Building Cities of Green. August 31-September 3, 1999. Seattle, Washington. Contact: Dan DeWald, 425.452.6048
KNLA Summer Outing at Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest. September 2, 1999. Clermont, KY. Contact: Contact: Debbie Cain, KNLA Exec. Dir. 502.899.3622, Fax 502.899.7922, e-mail: knla@iglou.com
American Society of Landscape Architects Annual Meeting. September 13-15, 1999. Boston, Massachusetts. Contact: ASLA 202.898.2444 Fax 202.898.1185, http://www.asla.org
Eastern Region International Plant Propagators' Society Annual Meeting. September 15-18, 1999. Minneapolis Airport Marriott, Minneapolis, MN. Contact: Margot Bridgen, 26 Woodland Road, Storrs, CT 06268, 860.429.6818, e-mail: mbippser@neca.com
TNLA's "Tennessee America's Nursery" Trade Show and Conference. September 17-18, 1999. Opryland Hotel Convention Center, Nashville TN. Contact: TNLA, 931.473.3971, Fax 931.473.5883, e-mail: tnurseryassn@blomand.net
CKOTA Ashland Estate Grounds Tour. September 23, 1999, 1500. Contact: Candace Harker, 606.257.5582; e-mail charker@ca.uky.edu CKOTA, P.O. Box 25148, Lexington, KY 40524-5148.
Floral Design Series: Hardie Newton's demonstration seminar and workshop hosted by the Purchase Area Master Gardener's. September 25, 1999. First Presbyterian Church, Paducah, KY . Contact: 270.575.9039.
6th Biennial Southern Plant Conference. September 23-25, 1999. Richmond, VA. Contact: SNA 770.973.9026; SNA Infoline, 770.973.4636, homepage: http://www.sna.org . or Virginia Nursery & Landscape Assoc. 540.382.0943,http://www.growzone.org/associations/vna/
Fall Garden Conference: Mr. Roy Lancaster, plant collector and explorer, sponsored by Botanica and Bernheim Arboretum. October 2, 1999. Christ Church United Methodist Auditorium, 4614 Brownsboro Road, Louisville, KY. Contact: Judy Hunt, 6701 Echo Trail, Louisville, KY 40299. 502.267.5074 or Mary Anne Thorton, 502.896.4251, e-mail botanicaky@aol.com
Southern Region International Plant Propagators' Society. October 3-6, 1999. Mobile, AL. Contact: David Morgan, 817.882.4148, Fax 817.882.4121, SR IPPS, P.O. Box 1868, Ft. Worth, TX 76101, e-mail: dmorgan@bsipublishing.com
Middle Tenn. Nursery Association Horticulture Trade Show & Educational Sessions. October 8-9, 1999. McMinnville Civic Center, McMinnville, TN. Contact: Ann Halcomb, MTNA 931-668-7322 Fax: 931-668-9601 e-mail: MTNA@blomand.net
Holly Society of America, Inc 52nd Annual Meeting. October 21-24, 1999. Holiday Inn Southwest, St. Louis, MO. Contact: Greg Wedding, 9004 Whetstone Rd, Evansville IN 47711 Phone 812.867.7037.
KAA Certified Arborist Exam. November 4, 1999. Holiday Inn Hurstborne, Louisville, KY. contact: Dave Leonard, 1302 North Limestone, Lexington, KY 606.252.2529, e-mail dave7oaks@aol.com
1999 Kentucky Urban Forestry Conference: "Trees & People - Making the Connection". November 5-6, 1999. Holiday Inn Hurstborne, Louisville, KY. contact: Dave Leonard, 1302 North Limestone, Lexington, KY 606.252.2529 e-mail, dave7oaks@aol.com
20th Annual International Irrigation Show. November 7-9, 1999. Orange County Convention Center Orlando, Florida. Contact: The Irrigation Association, 8260 Willow Oaks Corporate Drive, Suite 120, Fairfax, VA 22031 703.573.3551 Fax: 703.573.1913 http://www.irrigation.org
ALCA Landscape and Ground Maintenance Conference. November 13-16, 1999. Baltimore MD. Contact: ALCA 800.395.2522 http://www.alca.org
Louisville Nursery Association Holiday Meeting. December 4, 1999. Jefferson Club, Louisville, KY. Contact: Bill Young, LNA Secr/Treas, 502.425.8146, P.O. Box 23133, Louisville, KY 40223-0133.